Testimony Tuesday: Joshua Troglin Intake pic - 01/12/2021 Current pic - 02/22/2021 "Where do I begin? Safe Harbor has saved my life to say the least. It has given me hope when I didn't know what hope was. Here at Safe Harbor I have had the chance to find myself as a person, and Christ most of all. I have found stability and fellowship here. I love the environment. The community and the staff are great. They treat you like a human and go out of their way to help at all times. This is where I call home and that's a fact. I can never express through words how grateful I am to be here and can't wait to see what the future has in store."
Testimony Tuesday: Justy Bess Intake pic - 12/18/2020 Current pic - 02/08/2021 "Before I came to Safe Harbor I was staying hotel to hotel. I had a good job making things for Cooper Tire. I was still with my ex and my son doing everything I could to keep them safe and happy. At least I thought they were happy. I was too busy with work I didn't realize how unhappy she was. I was smoking weed and K-2 every day. Then after a while they were gone. I got heavy into smoking trying to blanket my feelings. Soon after they left I started buying guns and selling K2. Ended up going to prison for Possession of a firearm by certain person, possession of controlled substance (14g-28g). I stopped trying to justify the possession of controlled substance because I stopped caring. Feb 29, 2020 I applied to a few half-way houses. I didn't care where I went just wanted to get out of prison. March 4, 2020 I left prison to come to Safe Harbor. I didn't know what to do. First I called my sister and in late May I was gone on a "pass" to go get my birth certificate. When I got back to Texas my grandma (aka my mom) had a stroke and my half brother came and got her, took her to South Carolina. I thought I had got better at Safe Harbor. I was wrong. One tragic moment sent me back to K-2. I was at a homeless shelter selling it and smoking. My sister's boyfriend was no help. I got jumped by his homeboys and never went back to the house. Aug - Sept I met up with a guy from Houston and showed him how east it was to ask people for money. With selling and panhandling I made good money just couldn't stay sober. End of August I was arrested again, this time I went to SSP. I had time to think about my choices and how others influenced me in a negative way. Realizing that I should've stayed away. First thing I did was wrote Pastor Eric. I didn't hear anything back and wrote back weeks later after re-applying to Safe Harbor. At last I got the call to come back on Dec 18, 2020. My first plans were the same, call my sister and repeat what happened last time I guess. I got to Safe Harbor and made the call. Instead of making plans to leave I got my grandma's number and she tried talking to me. I prayed about it and called my sister to hear her phone was disconnected. So that was God's answer to my prayers so far. Then Jon helped me apply for my Birth Certificate. 20 days later it was here - God's 2nd answer because Texas is a hard state to get anything from. Now I have an ID, BC, and SS card. I'm still working on my authority issues, even thought I know it's going to be a minute before I'll be 100% with it. I'm still trying my best to do it. As of now I do a little bit of everything around here, even the people have said things about me. I may have tripped over some stepping stones and still am, but with better recognition of what has been my problem I can get up and continue going. I won't imprison myself in the past mistakes, I can't change them. I have released myself from the prison of my mind. Thanks to the blessing of Safe Harbor accepting me back and helping me with my walk in my life with Jesus Christ."
Testimony Tuesday: Donnie Foster Intake pic - 07/15/2020 Current pic - 12/14/2020 "Before I came to Safe Harbor my life was in shambles. I was on the wrong side of the law and my life was crazy. I used drugs, women, and everyone else. I was a selfish person. I didn't look out for anyone except myself. I got sent to prison for 3 years. Sitting there I realized that the people I thought were my friends weren't. They didn't contact me. I didn't have anyone, no parole plan, nothing. Then a place named Safe Harbor accepted me. At first I thought I was going to "fake it til I make it". But as I went through the program, stuff started sinking in. I started learning that there was other people just like me out there. That went through what I went through. I thought to myself if they can make it, I can too. My mindset started to change. They helped me get a job and I learned the value of a honest day's pay. I learned responsibility which gave me confidence. I also started church which brought me closer to God. Safe Harbor helped me with all of this & with the tools they gave me and God's blessing, I feel I have the tools to go out there and succeed. I want to thank Pastor Alexander and the Safe Harbor staff for everything. I know without them I was doomed to fail. God Bless"
Testimony Tuesday: Alan Hooten Intake pic - 02/07/2020 Current pic - 04/07/2020
"My name is Alan Hooten. I am a resident at Safe Harbor in Little Rock, AR. My being here itself is a testimony, not to mention the blessings I have received since arriving here. I made parole back in June of 2019. I was in a 309 Program in Johnson Co and started putting in parole plans after I got my results.
After being denied a parole plan 3 times to family members, I started applying for transitional housing. After about 3 months of waiting one of my family members went online to check my risk assessment status and noticed that it was a minimum risk assessment.
After being to prison 11 times I didn't understand all this. All this time I kept in the Word and everyday would be something in the Word in one way or the other telling me to wait and be still. On Feb 4, 2020 I was walking by another 309 inmate, a fellow believer that I had befriended. He pulled his headphones off of his head and looked at me and said "God just told me your blessing is coming soon". 2 days later I was on my way to Safe Harbor, where I am surrounded by a hot of people that actually care about me and I get to talk about Gods goodness regularly. After over 6 months of waiting I feel that God made things possible for me that man could not and would not do."
Testimony Tuesday: Jason Crone Intake pic - 10/19/2017 Current pic - 07/24/2019 “First I want to thank God for sending me to Safe Harbor, it is such a good place to work, worship and recover. I was lost like on the sea the tides throwing me in all different directions but there is a God and He decided that Safe Harbor was the place for me to be. I went there, the staff was great. They helped me in ways that I never thought and it it let me know that a person can care for others. They gave me food, a job, and helped me get closer to God. What more could I ask for. Just want to thank the staff of Safe Harbor Little Rock for really helping me to move on to the next part of my life and thanking God for putting them in my life. Forever grateful, Jason Crone”
Testimony Tuesday: Meet Gerry Thacker "Hello, my name is Gerry Thacker. I entered this program on February 20, 2019 from prison. I did 8 1/2 months this time. When I came to Safe Harbor I had to learn how to live without drugs and the lifestyle that I had lived for so long. I have been here for nearly five months because I don't feel like I am ready to go back out into the world. Because the structure and the program that they have here, it's been hard not to go back home to my family and kids. I don't feel that I am ready yet. This is the longest that I have been out of prison in three years and I have begun to deal with the things that has happened in my life, like losing my dad. That is what contributed to me using drugs. This place has taught me how to live life and overcome some obstacles in my life, and gave me the structure that I need in my life. I am very thankful that Safe Harbor has given me the chance to do that."
I came into the program on 12/6/2018. I was welcomed with open arms. The staff was excellent. They briefed me about the rules and how I was to conduct myself. They also showed me around the facility, my living quarters and provided me with a care package of essential items I needed. I am so blessed to be here, I give God all the praise. I humbled myself even more. I learned, from Safe Harbor, pointers where I was lacking through the classes that they provide; being punctual in everyday living, getting up on time, being at work everyday and doing what a man is supposed to do by providing for himself and his family. Safe Harbor has provided me transportation to all of my appointments, work, outings and has given me clothing, shelter & employment. I was also able to attend AA / NA Meetings. The classes have shown me how to apply things in my life. What it takes to survive everyday; being honest, compassion for others, not complaining when things don't go my way. Safe Harbor has shown me "put God first" and He will put me on the path that He wants me to travel. That is the only way that I want to go in life. His direction. - Ricky Mahomes
“When I first arrived at Safe Harbor, I had my doubts. I just wanted to do my 90 days and be gone. However, after I got into the program I noticed some things I needed to change about myself that I had not noticed until I got here and started to get involved. Safe Harbor helped me to renew my relationship with God and has given me a new sense about what my life means and whom I should be serving in my life. Safe Harbor has also helped me restore my self confidence and self respect, something I had lost being a convicted felon. This place has also given me the necessary tools that I can use throughout my life that will allow me to be a successful citizen in society and most importantly a better Christian man.” - Tyson Norsworthy
“I arrived at Safe Harbor on April 17, 2018 with a desire for change, had no idea it was a Faith based program, but God knew what I needed for where I was in my life. The staff at Safe Harbor was very helpful in making me feel welcome and reassuring me that what I'm looking for in my life can be accomplished here. They were very confident in the structure of their program with rules & regulations to get you ready to be a productive member of society and to get a good relationship & foundation with Christ. The program taught me to get out of my own way and give it to God. It can not be done without Him. I've gained a new relationship with my family and children. Safe Harbor put me back on track to fulfill my purpose in life. Special thanks to Pastor Eric and all staff who played a roll in my recovery. And a very special thanks to the students at Safe Harbor, without their so familiar stories I wouldn't have been able to understand that I was not alone. Thank you again Safe Harbor Staff & Students!” - Byron Thomas
There is no greater joy than a sense of one’s purpose and feeling it beyond reason. The heart beating gives reason to existence; yet purpose defines the reason. In all my ability and utterance to God be the Glory, in Jesus Name, Amen! There was a point in my life when secular living was my way of life. Though growing up I heard words like love, peace and joy, those words fell on deaf ears. I only related to dysfunction, trouble & anger. Having an absent father & a mother in a drug induced state more times than not, resentment flowed where self-worth left me with no vision of prosperity, hope and any kind of faith. From as far back as I can remember I hated the life I was given & myself, with a passion. Destined to die anyway, I thought to play God on many occasions unconsciously, by any means worldly accessible, than continue in my self-inflicted chaos. I was human, yet during my journey in my storms of anger, despair, hopelessness & brokenness, faith would intervene, regardless of my resistance… FAITH! Followed by comfort, strength & the power of living words from a forgiving, grace giving, full of mercy, loving God that I know & believe is real. I found purpose in the insufficient being. I am redeemed and set apart from my prior bondage in life. I became free from the captivity of the world and my mind. I have an attitude of gratitude about what God has done in me & for me. We are all partial in judging ourselves & our actions. Joshua 24: 14 - 15
Hello, my name is Robert Cheater. I am so glad that I chose Safe Harbor as the facility of my choice, out of the many options. The structure was the first thing that I noticed about the program when I first got here. This has been a “Life Changer” thus far, and I was blessed to get a job the 2nd week I was here. I am able to save money, so that when I transition back home I won’t go home “empty handed”, but can contribute to the welfare of my family. Safe Harbor has helped me a lot, I now do things a lot different. This place has shown me how to change, and change in a good way. I have found my Lord, and I’m so happy He put me in a place like this. Thank you, Safe Harbor, for all the things you’ve done for me, and thank you Pastor.
“I paroled here from ACC in Little Rock. I have been at Safe Harbor for 90 days. I am fully employed & believing in Christ. Safe Harbor has helped me to get my driver’s license, redirect my mind and get into a great relationship with my family.
I look forward to stability, patience, being more encouraging and spiritual each day & being more productive in the community. I plan on enrolling in Theology school and becoming a minister.”
September 3, 2011 Graduate Testimony – George VanZandbergen After receiving a DWI in 2010, George lost his license, job, and tried to commit suicide. While staying in a VA hospital, his major shared with him about our faith-based recovery support program. George had previously completed a 12 step program but was missing the vital component, spiritual support. George is a recent graduate of Safe Harbor Church of Little Rock. As his relationship with Christ developed, he began to release control of his life and viewed difficult situations in a godly perspective. Before attending Safe Harbor, VanZandbergen had not spoken to his family for some time, however now he communicates with his children and close relatives regularly both by phone and through social networking sites. After serving in the military for 20 years and losing what he had worked for to addiction, he has regained his desire to serve the community and also encourage others by sharing what he has learned.